Constitution of the Michigan Archaeological Society


Adopted May 14, 1961


(As amended to April 26, 1992)


Article I-Name


Section 1.                The name of this Organization shall be the Michigan Archaeological Society.


Section 2.               The full name of each chapter shall include the name “Michigan Archaeological Society.”


Article II –Purpose


Section 1.                The objectives of the society shall be as follows:


1.                To obtain and record information concerning archaeological sites and artifacts in the State of Michigan, and to interest itself in the conservation of such, and in the dissemination of information about them.  The society shall also be a means of acquainting the general public with the value of archaeological resources, and with the proper methods of examining, recording, and preserving them.  It shall also cooperate with other institutions and organizations of similar interests in the exchange of information, insofar as may be advantageous to Michigan Archaeology, or to that of regions outside Michigan.


2.                To encourage, foster, and conduct archaeological investigation and research into the early history and prehistory of Michigan.  To cooperate with universities, colleges, museums and other societies of a like nature towards the same ends.  To record all information relating to the early history and prehistory of Michigan and to share their findings with the archaeological profession and the general public.  To publish through professional and scholastic channels, by their own publications and general news media, their findings relative to the early history and prehistory of Michigan.  To protect, preserve, and restore archaeological sites and artifacts.  To disseminate to interested parties information on the proper scientific methodology for the archaeological investigation of the early history and prehistory of Michigan.


3.                In furtherance of these ends, to enter into contracts, solicit funds, acquire, hold and dispose of real estate, and other such activities as may be reasonably necessary.


4.                No meetings of the society or its chapters shall be used for the purchase or sale of prehistoric or excavated historic artifacts, except when such purchase or sale is in relation to the protection and/or preservation of archaeological sites or artifacts by the society.


Article III – Structure


Section 1.                The society shall be incorporated as a non-profit organization.  It shall consist of a parent organization, which may be subdivided into chapters determined on an area basis.  It shall be governed by an Executive Board, and such officers as are hereinafter provided, and shall have the right to assess dues and issue publications as hereinafter provided.


Section 2.                A chapter may be formed by not less than five (5) residents of the area served by it, and its organization shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board of the parent society.  Its objectives shall be identical with those of the parent society.  It shall have officers to perform the functions of president, secretary and treasurer and such other officers as may be desired, and shall adopt and file with the secretary of the parent society a constitution which in the first instance must be approved by the Executive Board of the parent society.  No amendments thereto shall be in conflict with any requirements of the constitution or by-laws of the parent organization or its Articles of incorporation.


Section 3.                Each chapter shall hold an annual meeting.


Section 4.                The chapter shall have the right to assess dues in addition to the dues of the parent society.


Section 5.                Each chapter shall report upon its proceedings and work for the preceding year at the annual meeting of the parent society, and shall at the same time submit the report in written form to the secretary of the parent society.


Section 6.                Upon the cessation of a chapter, its scientific records and specimens shall be presented to a local museum, if one exists and is willing to accept such properties; if not, then said properties should be presented to, or placed in the care of, a state university having facilities for handling such materials.


Section 7.                Chapter affiliation shall be subject to revocation for adequate cause by action of the Executive Board of the parent society.


Article IV- Membership


Section 1.                 Qualifications.  A regular voting member of the society shall be, and shall continue to be in agreement with the purposes of the organization, shall have attained the age of 18 years, and shall not be delinquent in the payment of dues.  Failure to pay dues within two (2) months of due date shall constitute delinquency.  Other classes of membership may be provided in the by-laws.  No member shall engage in the purchase or sale of archaeological materials or engage in archaeological activities on his own behalf in the name of the parent society or any of its chapters.


Section 2.                No person shall be a voting member of a chapter unless he/she is also a member in good standing of the parent society.  No person shall be a voting member of more than one chapter at any one time.  A member of a chapter need not be a resident in the area covered by the chapter, but residents of that area must be in the majority in the chapter membership.


Section 3.                Membership in the parent society or in a chapter may be cancelled for unethical practices or violation of the purposes of the organization by the action of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the Executive Board of the parent society present and voting at any meeting of the Board; provided, however, that any person whose membership is to be cancelled for such reason shall be granted a hearing called by the Executive Board on thirty (30) days notice to that person at which hearing he/she shall be permitted to present his/her case.


Article V- Government of the Parent Society


Section 1.                  Nomination and Elections.  A nominating committee chairperson shall be selected by the president on or before October 15 of each year.  The nominating committee, with the possible exception of the chairperson, shall consist of the presidents of all the chapters.  This committee shall submit the names of candidates for the various offices to the chairperson by March 15 of each year.   Insofar as practicable, two or more candidates shall be nominated for each office of the society and each vacancy on the Executive Board and the consent of the nominees shall be obtained in writing.  Additional nominations made in writing by not less than ten (10) members shall be included, provided such nominations are received by the nominating committee chairperson prior to March 31, accompanied by the written consent of the nominees.  Only members in good standing may be nominees.  The chairperson shall arrange for the preparation of ballots so that they will be prepared in advance of the date of the annual meeting.


Election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting in April of each year and shall be by unsigned ballot of the paid-up members of the society present at the meeting.


The chairperson of the nominating committee shall appoint a board of at least three tellers and designate a chairperson from among the members in good standing present at the annual meeting.  Upon the completion of the balloting, the tellers shall convene to count the ballots.  When called upon by the president, the chairperson of the tellers shall report the names of the officers elected by plurality vote of the votes cast.  A report of the names of the newly elected officers shall be made in the next issue of the official organ of the society following the annual meeting.


Section 2.                  Officers and Terms of Office.  The officers of the parent society shall consist of a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.  The first vice-president shall succeed to the presidency in case of vacancy or inability to serve.  First and second vice-presidents shall not be voted upon as separate offices, but the person receiving the highest vote for vice-president shall be declared first vice-president.  Each officer shall hold office for the term of one (1) year commencing with the close of the annual meeting or June 16th, whichever occurs earlier, and shall serve until a successor is qualified.  The president, first vice-president, and second vice-president shall not serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms.  The number of terms that the secretary and treasurer may serve shall not be limited.


No person shall serve as an officer or board member while his/her dues are delinquent.


Section 3.                 Trustees.  In addition to the foregoing officers there shall be elected three (3) trustees to serve for staggered terms of three (3) years each.  Initially they shall be elected to serve for three, two and one years in order of the highest votes received and thereafter, one shall be elected each year for a term of three years.   Any trustee who has served for two consecutive terms shall be ineligible for one year for re-election as a trustee.  It shall be the duty of the trustees to see that the parent society and its various chapters continue to function and that a meeting of the Executive Board of the parent society is called within a reasonable time if not called by the president.  In the event of the failure of the president to call a meeting of the Executive Board by April 15 to create the nominating committee, the trustees shall select a nominating committee chairperson and take other such steps and make such rulings as may be necessary to rejuvenate the parent organization.  In the event any chapter fails to hold an annual business meeting for election of officers within fifteen (15) months or fails to hold any meetings for one (1) year, it shall be the duty of the trustees of the parent society to convene such persons and take such other steps as they may deem advisable relative to the reorganization of the chapter.  The trustees shall also be responsible for assuring the transmission of proper records from retiring officers to succeeding officers and for the proper preservation of all records.


Section 4.                Executive Board.  The Executive Board shall consist of all the foregoing officers and trustees and the president of each chapter.  Members of the Editorial Board of the parent society’s periodical shall be ex officio members of the Executive Board without vote.


The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year on or before October 15 and at such other times and places as may be designated by the president with the advice of the Executive Board.   The president may call special meetings of the Executive Board by written notice mailed ten (10) days before the meeting.  The secretary of the parent society shall be the secretary of the Executive Board.  Minutes of the proceedings of the Board shall be kept and may be called for any business meeting of the parent society by any member present.


The Executive Board shall have general charge and management of all funds and property of the parent society and shall make all necessary contracts and appropriations.  A majority of the Board present and voting shall, prior to payment, approve all bills against the parent society to purchase, mortgage or sell lands, buildings, artifacts or archive materials useful for the fulfillment of the purposes of the parent society.  The Executive Board shall act on all business referred to it by the parent society or by any chapter, and may initiate other business at its discretion.  It shall frame its own rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of the constitution and the by-laws of this organization.


Any action of the Executive Board may be reversed by the two-third (2/3) affirmative vote of the voting members present and voting at any duly called meeting, provided that at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting the members are notified of the proposed action.


Section 5.                 Vacancies.  The unexpired term of all vacancies of the parent society shall be filled by the Executive Board except as otherwise provided in this constitution.


Article VI- Meetings


Section 1.                Annual Meeting.  The parent society shall hold an annual meeting in April, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Board.  Notices of the meeting shall be mailed to each member of the society at least thirty (30) days before the meeting date.


Section   2.                In addition to the annual meeting, the society shall hold such other special meetings as shall be determined by the Executive Board.  Special meetings may also be called at any time by the president, and shall be called if requested in writing by a total of ten (10) qualified voting members.


Section 3.                At least fifteen (15) days notice of special meetings shall be sent to all members, stating the time and place at which such meeting is to be held and the purpose for which it is called.  No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except that stated in the notice.


Article VII – Quorums


Section 1.                A total of ten (10) members present at a regular or special meeting of the parent society shall constitute a quorum.  Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a Quorum at its meeting.


Article VIII – Gifts and Grants- In- Aid


Section 1.                The society or its constituent chapters shall have the power to accept gifts of money or property, grants, or other monies offered them from whatever source.


Article IX – By-Laws


Section 1.                By-Laws for the further regulation of the society may be adopted and amended.


Article X- Amendments


Section 1.                  All proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing at an annual meeting and shall be laid on the table until the next annual meeting, and such proposed changes shall be announced in the call of the second annual meeting.  A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the membership present and voting at such second annual meeting shall be required to amend this constitution.


Section 2.                This constitution may also be amended by mail vote upon fulfilling all of the following conditions:

                (a)                Submission to and discussion at an annual meeting of the parent society.

                (b)                Review by the Executive Board at a duly called meeting and approval, in such form as the Executive Board may choose to recommend, by a four-fifths (4/5) affirmative vote of the members of the executive Board present and voting followed by,

(c)                Submission to the voting membership not less than sixty (60) days following the aforesaid annual meeting of the society by mail, and

                (d)                Affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership voting by mail.


When submitting proposed amendments by mail, the Executive Board shall include a concise statement of its reasons for recommending the change.


Article XI- Procedure


Section 1.                  When not otherwise provided in this constitution or the by-laws of the society, procedure for all meetings of the parent society and its Executive Board and committees shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent available edition of Cushing’s Manual.